Pretend Play Homeopathic First Aid Kit for Natural Medicine
How it all began…
I have always been interested in health, medicine, and how the human body works. I was exploring the age-old question of what to do with my life. As a young twenty-something, I contemplated nursing or physical therapy. Our local college had an excellent nursing program. So, many of my friends and fellow students were studying to be nurses. The closer I got to it the more I realized that nursing has much to do with poop! I thought, “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life concerned with other people’s poop!”. So, I decided I would continue to concern myself with the social well-being of my elderly residents at the rehab center I worked, but that didn’t last long. Soon, I traded all those ideas of school and healthcare for being a stay-at-home mom. That should be a poop-free career, right? Don’t ask me what I was thinking there.
“Help! We’re outnumbered by an army of tiny humans we created.”
The thick of it…
To cut through the whirlwind romance and boring details of morning sickness, swollen bellies, and the birth of multiples I will just say we very quickly became a family of 6. If you have spent any time around children or people with children you know there is no end to the bodily functions, illnesses, and discomforts. Some of them are real and a lot of them are imagined. With three children under three, we were well-known at the local pediatrician’s office. Our glorious boy-girl twins seemed to have perpetual cases of strep! This went on for a few years. When our youngest was a baby we knew we couldn’t continue with all of the antibiotics and doctor visits. They weren’t helping anyway.
“Let thy food be medicine and thy medicine shall be food”
Self Education…
As I began to try to figure out the cause and cure of our continuously sick family, I met many people that set me on my path to natural healing. Every symptom allowed me to test out one of my recently learned remedies! I had heard that you are what you eat and if this was true, we were quickly becoming garlic! Ha! It seemed that everywhere we went someone was lurking to offer more help. As well as, more “old ways” of treating what ails ya. I was a proverbial sponge soaking it all in. The more remedies we tried the better they worked and we were on the road to being truly healthy.
“Nature itself is the best medicine”
From imagination to creation pretend play isn’t just for kids…
Also, we were a homeschooled family and I loved the idea of Montessori learning and pretend play. After all, a child’s occupation is play! When my friend asked me if I could create something that would resemble the items that we used day-to-day I was thrilled with the idea. The store-bought doctor play sets tend to look more like conventional medicine. We were all visiting natural doctors and shopping at “farmacies”. I love to sew and craft but hadn’t done more than a little mending and cross-stitching in quite a while. Being Mayor of a village of tiny humans doesn’t leave much free time to pursue hobbies and passion projects. Within a couple of weeks, I had made a felt replica of everything I could think of. The Pretend Play Homeopathic First Aid Kit was born. All the things that we use to prevent illness or treat its symptoms of it. I seriously couldn’t stop until finally, the cute little first aid bag was too full.
“The greatest medicine of all is to teach people how not to need it.”
Latch & Key was born…
Of course, friends and family oohed and awed over the little set. Still, I was pretty intimidated by the idea of offering them for sale in any other arena. Thankfully, my sister and partner in crime encouraged and sort of forced me into finally doing this Etsy thing. Shortly after, Latch & Key was born. Every ding of the Etsy app and every “favorite” was a verification that people really would think they were cute. Every sale is evidence that we are good at this and we are putting out something good into this world.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”
Suggestions Anyone???
I don’t know if I could pick a favorite item from the set. If I had to I think it would be the little jar of green salve. I just love how squatty it is and the “masking tape” label. Finally, I had to stop myself from adding to this set. I have been playing around with designing a net pot. What would you like to see added to it?
Asking for a friend…
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